After Outreachy!

Another Outreachy blog post!

This blog post written by Asma, Outreachy intern in OSCSA about her career goals after Outreachy.


National Engineering School of Sousse (ENISO)


August 10, 2022


Hi all, hope you all are doing fine!

Welcome to my blog Outreachy series. In this blog post, I will be discussing my career interests because it is time to set new goals and decide what to do next.

I am a final year Telecommunications Engineering Student** and currently I’m doing my Outreachy Internship working with OSCSA. During my Outreachy internship, I worked on exciting tasks inluding:

I am happy to present some of my work in Write the Docs Prague 2022 Conference on the 11th of Sept. All that was done thanks to the help and guidance of my mentor Batool Almarzouq!

After Outreachy, I wish to further develop my open science skills and I’ll be also looking for an internship for 4 to 6 months that will start in February as a full-stack developer intern.

My background is in Front-end and Back-end development but I have also been exposed to Cloud Computing and Computer Security. I am good in MERN and MEAN stack thanks to the past internship and to the several projects I mad at university .

I am proficient in C++ , python and somewhat comfortable with Java. I participated a lot in competitive programming such as TCPC, IEEExtreme and Leetcode

I alos became comfortable with using git, Github and Markdown during Outreachy!

I am an enthusiastic and social person who loves to take up new challenges and learn new skills. I love meeting new people, exchanging ideas, and spreading knowledge and positivity. Also, I love working in teams and contributing to open source projects where I can gear up my skills and knowledge.

I speak four languages which are Arabic (Native), English (Advanced), French (Advanced), Italian (Beginner)


This concludes my career goals blog. It will be great if you could share opportunities where you think I would be a good fit. Feel free to reach out if there’s anything you think I could help you out with! You can connect with me on Twitter or LinkedIn for any opportunities.

Thanks for reading. 💫✨



BibTeX citation:
  author = {Asma Kacem},
  editor = {},
  title = {After {Outreachy!}},
  date = {2022-08-10},
  url = {},
  langid = {en}
For attribution, please cite this work as:
Asma Kacem. 2022. “After Outreachy!” August 10, 2022.